Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Senior photo shoots are starting...

Well, only 5 more days of school...yeah!!! It's time to start thinking about scheduling your senior photo shoot. It is best to call and schedule an appt. about 4 weeks before you want to have your portraits done.

Senior photo shoots include:
*unlimited outfit changes
*up to 2 hours of photography
*an edited/watermarked cd that is yours to keep
and best of packages. You order only the amount of pictures you want. No minimum orders!

Blessings to you and your family...have a safe summer!



Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bring on summer!!!

My baby graduated from preschool yesterday, and my oldest went on her first (of many) 5th grade field trips today. Summer is definately right around the corner. I hope you all take time out this summer to just enjoy the little things...chasing lightning bugs, getting ice cream from the ice cream truck that will be sing-songing through your neighborhood any day now, staying out until dark (which ends up being later and later as the weeks go by). These are the things I will savor this summer.
I would love to capture your memories. Call now to set up a photo shoot. On location. Easy. Relaxed.
Happy summer!

Macie and Beckett:

Mason and Ty:

Emily's Headshots:

Monday, May 4, 2009


It has been a crazy couple of weeks around here! I still don't think I have recuperated from Spring Break...I'm almost sure I left my brain there! Just wanted to post some pics from a recent photo shoot with Maddy. Believe it or not, I used to teach her mom...I'm feeling really old right now.

Remember to call soon for senior photo shoot info...

Have a blessed week!

This little one is all mine!!!